Before you can use BBO you will need to register by creating a username and password. This section will take you through the stages that you need to go through to achieve this.
Before you start decide on your username and password.
Select a username:
it will have to be unique on the site;
must be a maximum of 10 characters long;
it is NOT case sensitive.
It might help if the name were recognisable and related to you in some way, because, as we will see later, your friends will be looking for you when you go online.
The essential thing here is to have something you will remember (10 characters maximum). Don’t use the same password that you use for secure sites like bank accounts or paypal.
This can be done on a web browser or in the BBO app. This section describes the actions on a browser, but the stages in the app are essentially the same:
Go to the BBO website, or open the app (see Fig. 1 The BBO Home page);
Fig. 1 The BBO Home page¶
to register click on the Login/Register button in the top right hand corner. This will take you to the Log in screen (see Fig. 2 The BBO Log in screen);
Fig. 2 The BBO Log in screen¶
click on the Become a member (free!) button. This will take you to the Become a member screen (see Fig. 3 BBO Registration);
Fig. 3 BBO Registration¶
complete the screen. The ACBL number may be left blank. Select your skill level (or leave it private), and country (Great Britain).
The Other area is frequently used to give a short description of the system that you use. This is a courtesy that other users on-line will appreciate. For example:
4 Card majors, 12-14NT, benji, weak2’s, stayman, transfers, 0341 RCB, gerber, ogust
(You can change this later by navigating to the Account tab in the BBO menu.)
Check I agree … and click on Register. You will be taken to the BBO main menu.