

BBO allows us to create a list of friends. These are people that you wish to play with or follow on the site.

To access your friends click on the people tab on the right hand edge of the browser, or in the bottom bar of the app.

Add a friend

Fig. 11 Add a friend

To add a friend enter their name in the add friend field at the bottom of the screen. The name has to be a valid BBO username. If you are unsure of the exact spelling of the name, use the search feature by clicking on Search at the top of the screen.

By default, BBO only shows friends that are currently online in BBO. If you set Show Offline at the bottom of the screen, you will see all of the friends you have created. Those online will have a green circle, those not, a red one.

Showing friends

Fig. 12 Showing friends

When people that you have defined as friends are logged on, a red flag appears in the people tab on the right hand edge of the browser, or in the bottom bar of the app.